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What are you going to do and how do we benefit from it?

 TDG’s purpose is simple; we find ways to save you money. This is done through a variety of means to reduce costs, which can have a dramatic effect on profits. Adjusting processes, as well as reviewing current contracts can generate some of the savings. We endeavor to attack the areas that will produce the quickest results first. Once initial savings are produced, momentum is gained and it naturally spawns more savings.


How will this impact the running of our business? We don’t have the luxury of providing extensive in-house assistance to you.

 This is easy to answer, as TDG performs the work by gathering data from the company. We do not ask you to do this since simply put; this is what we are getting paid for. The only assistance needed will be for someone to show us where this data is located and then we do the rest. Once we gather this information, the analysis may be performed off site.


Will you perform the assignment under a confidentiality agreement?

Actually, we practically insist on it. We want everyone to feel comfortable with this process. We can provide our confidentiality agreement or your legal department can utilize its own.


Are you unique to this type of service?

 Absolutely not, there are a host of other firms vying for your business. Many are actually part of the large accounting firms and they try to do a global analysis without zeroing in on very specific areas. This becomes time consuming and they get compensated on a fee basis. Other firms will limit what service they want to perform. At TDG, we have numerous areas that we have expertise in and can produce quick results.


What will your services cost us?

Nothing!  If we can’t save you dollars, there is no cost to you. Our reward comes from our ability to save you dollars. Receiving a percentage of the savings we generate for your company is the method in which we are compensated. In effect, it is not a cost, since the reward is generated from savings.


Are we going to see savings in a reasonable time frame?

The short answer is yes. We go after the areas that will produce the quickest savings first. Tangible results can sometimes be seen in a matter of weeks. Obviously, some areas will take longer to produce results as agreements may be in place and preclude it from happening sooner.


How long does this take?

Again, not knowing the size and scope of the assignment, we can’t say. However, our past clients have typically asked us to stay longer than anticipated due to the success of the project. They ask us to expand our efforts to other areas other than those originally negotiated. Our clients do not always allow us to review all areas. They may limit our scope to one, two or however many areas they want reviewed.


How can you afford not to charge an up front fee?

This is due to our expertise and confidence in what we do. Our team of experts will help you improve your bottom line. Based on that and your question, we have one question,


“How can you afford not to use our services?”